Online Lessons
Benefits of Online Lessons:
Recently, there has been a greater understanding of the benefits of having distance lessons via Skype or other video interface platforms.
Some of these include:
- Convenience; there is no need to fight traffic or busy schedules, no extra time coming or going from lessons, or driving kids to lessons. There is also no need to wait around at a lesson for those not participating. Rather than all of that, have a lesson from a professional in the comfort of you own home and your own space. It's also easier to find a time that suits your schedule perfectly.
- Learn from a professional; depending on where you live, you may not have great access to experienced, accomplished musicians. Thanks to platforms such as Skype, now you do! From wherever you are in the world, we can teach you!
- Greater focus; it's easy to think of Skype lessons being a trade-off between convenience and quality, but this point shows that simply isn't true. When having lessons via Skype, students are much less likely to be distracted by whatever else is in the room, keeping their attention on the teacher and the lesson.
- Recording lessons; do you know the feeling of being taught something groundbreaking, but then later that week you just don't quite remember how the teacher made it seem so easy? This is this solution! Skype allows students to easily record lessons so that they can review them during the week so that there doesn't have to be any dead practice time during the week.
- Less spoon-feeding; while sometimes it's convenient to just get the teacher to tune the guitar so the lesson can continue, this is a really important skill and the sooner it is learnt properly by the student, the better. Skype forces the student to be able to physically do things for themselves, with the teacher's guidance of course. This also allows for less dead practice time during the week to something simple like an untuned guitar.
- Less missed lesson time; everyone has been late to lessons due to traffic, weather or any number of reasons. Having lessons via Skype eliminates 99% of those possibilities. Also, if you totally forget about your lesson, when I call you to remind you, it will only take 2 minutes to jump on the computer, not 15-20 to get ready and get to the lesson. This is all time with a professional that you are paying for, so you want to take advantage every minute that you can.
What do I need?
As long as you have good internet connection and audio and video capabilities from your computer (as most do made any time recently), you’re good to go! In-built cameras and videos in computers work absolutely fine for the purposes for a lesson, no need for the latest equipment.
Guitar Lessons Online
1 hour: 600 HKD
45 mins: 550 HKD