by Paul Roth | Apr 27, 2017 | Rhythm
Quite often when I’m teaching people more in the beginner category, one thing they will often want help on is rhythm and strumming. To some people this comes very naturally, to others it doesn’t. So here I’m going to lay out ONE key principle...
by Paul Roth | Apr 14, 2017 | Chords
Last week we talked about one of my favourite things… triad inversions!! Yay. Here are the PDFs again for the shapes: Major Minor Diminished We focused last week mainly on how these are useful and how to apply them. This week I...
by Paul Roth | Apr 6, 2017 | Chords
These are absolutely glorious, and in all honesty have put these to practical use at least as much as the minor pentatonic and major scale patterns. I may even go as far to say I would put them in top 5 most important areas of knowledge of the fretboard for any...