How To Practice Without Your Guitar

How To Practice Without Your Guitar

Whether you’re a professional or hobby guitarist, you’re likely to spend hours a day when you can’t physically play a guitar. This may be because you’re working, driving, at the gym, fighting a bear etc. A few weeks ago I wrote a blog about...
5 Great Song Writing Tips

5 Great Song Writing Tips

The more I’m blogging, the more I’m finding that my blogs are inspired by my students and the lessons I have with them. Recently songwriting has been coming up, hence this blog. Writing songs gives such great joy that is rare to find elsewhere. It can also be quite...
7 Essential Activities For Regular Practice

7 Essential Activities For Regular Practice

In last week’s blog we talked about making practice as efficient as possible. We looked at what to incorporate into our practice session to ensure we are getting the most out of the hours we put in.   I promised to create a more practical post with...
Chord Theory – Part 5: Chords and the Major Scale

Chord Theory – Part 5: Chords and the Major Scale

We’ve learnt all about different types of chords in the last 4 weeks – part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 so now it’s time to look at the application of those chords in relation to the major scale.   From the outset it is important to be clear...