5 Great Tips for Teaching Guitar

5 Great Tips for Teaching Guitar

My goal for this blog is to make it a resource not only for those learning guitar, but also those teaching it, especially as a fair portion of my readership are guitar teachers. For example, the resources page is there for anyone’s use.   If you’re...
Music As A Language – Part 1

Music As A Language – Part 1

Music is often called the universal language, and rightfully so. It has the ability to speak to people from all different nations, cultures and of course, languages.   For these next 2 posts I’m going to be looking at the similarities between language and music....
How To Practice Without Your Guitar

How To Practice Without Your Guitar

Whether you’re a professional or hobby guitarist, you’re likely to spend hours a day when you can’t physically play a guitar. This may be because you’re working, driving, at the gym, fighting a bear etc. A few weeks ago I wrote a blog about...